Thursday, July 9, 2020
Best AngularJS Interview Questions Answers for Selection
Best AngularJS Interview Questions Answers for Selection Best AngularJS Interview Questions Answers for Selection10 min read Read ing Time: 8 min utesBefore div ing into Angu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers we should have a lit tle knowl edge about what is Angu lar JS exact ly. While there are so many web appli ca tion frame works avail able in the mar ket, devel op ers still try to run after a frame work that is cheap, sus tain able and easy to code. Some of them are even open source such as Angu lar JS, Ruby on Rails, ASP.NET, Djan go, etc. But in this blog, weâll con fine our selves to one major web appli ca tion frame work and that is Angu lar appli ca tion. These days pro gram mers are exten sive ly using Angu lar JS. There are a few fea tures that you should remem ber before sit ting in an inter view. The points list ed below will also help you in get ting the Angu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers right too. Impressive Features Of AngularJs Angu lar JS is a struc tured and more effi cient frame work that can cre ate Rich Inter net Appli ca tions (RIA). It pro vides the coder with an option to write the client-side appli ca tion using a JavaScrip tâs Mod el View Con troller struc ture. It is open-source hence is com plete ly free and used by count less thou sands of devel op ers around the world. Angu lar JS is licensed under the Apache license ver sion 2.0. These fea tures may seem to you like the o ry ques tions but the one thing the inter view er wants to make sure is to have a can di date whose base is strong. And when you know these ques tions you can eas i ly crack your Angu lar JS inter view and hence it increas es your chance of get ting select ed too. Advantage of AngularJS: More over, Angu lar JS has its advan tages such as: Angu lar JS can test the code using unit test ing. Angu lar JS is famous for its prop er ty of using reusable com po nents. Devel op ers can achieve more func tion al i ty using short codes with Angu lar Js. Angu lar JS sup ports the famous MVC (Mod el View Con troller) struc ture. The frame work uses two ways of data bind ing. Angu lar JS sup ports Client-Serv er com mu ni ca tion. It sup ports ani ma tion, mak ing it stand out from oth er web appli ca tion frame works. Know ing the pros and cons of a frame work you are work ing on, makes a good impres sion while you sit for the inter view. Some times an inter view er wants to check as to why a per son is work ing on this par tic u lar frame work when there are numer ous oth er frame works avail able in the mar ket. These Angu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers make sure that the next time you sit for an inter view, you remem ber all the details about the frame work. How ev er, you need to be well pre pared for an inter view that you face while search ing for a job. Read in detail on how to pre pare for an inter view here. Now with out wast ing any more time, letâs dive straight into Angu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers. Commonly Asked Questions AngularJS Interview Questions: 1. Explain âscopeâ in terms of AngularJS and why is it important? Answer: Scope acts as a bind ing force between the appli ca tion con troller and the view in Angu lar JS. It con tains the appli ca tionâs data and meth ods. Angu lar JS cre ates a dif fer ent scope hier ar chy for each con troller and hence data meth ods of one $scope are not avail able to anoth er con troller. 2. What is the meaning of services in AngularJS, explain in brief? Answer: To car ry out a spe cif ic task, ser vices are used. They are the sin gle ton objects. The ser vices can be called con trollers, direc tives, fil ters, etc. 3. Define Angular Expression in AngularJS? Answer: Expres sions are cod ed snip pets which are placed in bind ings for exam ple {{ expres sion }} There are a few dif fer ences that make it dif fer ent from the javascript expres sions and these are: Javascript expres sions are eval u at ed against the glob al win dow where as, in Angu lar, they are eval u at ed against a scope object. You can not use Loops, con di tion als or excep tions in an angu lar expres sion. 4. List all the directives used in the AngularJS application. Answer: It extends the HTML and acts as a mark er on a DOM that directs Angu lar JS to attach a spec i fied behav ior to the DOM ele ment. This is the ng-mod el. 5. Explain Angular. Answer: Angu lar plays a major role in the devel op ment of sin gle-page appli ca tions or SPA. It also pro vides the pro gram mer with a set of ready-to-use mod ules that makes it eas i er to devel op a sin gle page appli ca tion. Plus, it also has fea tures like built-in data stream ing, mod u lar CLI and types safe ty. With these fea tures, Angu lar can be con sid ered as a full-fledged web frame work. Tip: Though this whole blog is to make the begin ners pre pare for Angu lar JS inter view ques tions. Know ing the dif fer ence between Angu lar and Angu lar JS allows the inter view er to eval u ate the can di date per fect ly. So while prepar ing for the Angu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers, donât for get to have a look at the dif fer ent ver sions of the frame work as well as the basic syn tax of the frame work. 6. Explain data binding in AngularJS? Answer: Data bind ing in Angu lar JS is the auto mat ed flow of data between the mod el and view in MVC struc ture. There are 2 ways in Angu lar JS for data bind ing and these are: Data min ing in clas si cal tem plate sys tems Data bind ing in angu lar tem plates 7. Explain the compilation steps in HTML? Answer: The HTML code is first parsed into Doc u ment Object Mod el i.e DOM through the stan dard brows er API. Then a com pi la tion of the doc u ment object mod el is per formed by call ing the $com plile() method. The scope is linked with the tem plate by call ing the link ing func tion that is returned from step 2. 8. What are a few disadvantages of the AngularJS framework? Answer: Angu lar JS is not a secure frame work. To avoid any glitch es serv er-side authen ti ca tion is nec es sary to keep an appli ca tion safe. It is not degrad able, that means if the user dis ables the javascript frame work, then a basic page will be vis i ble and noth ing else. 9. Discuss the key difference between backbone.js and AngularJS? Answers: To devel op an appli ca tion in HTML 5, Angu lar JS com bines var i ous func tion al i ties using libraries. Most of these libraries are third-par ty libraries. Where as Backbone.js does its job indi vid u al ly with out tak ing any help from oth er third-par ty libraries. 10. Define templates in AngularJS? Answers: Tem plates are a more fur nished view that has infor ma tion from both the con troller and the mod el. They can be com pressed in a sin gle file, for exam ple, front.html or âpar tialsâ can be used in mul ti ple views for exe cut ing the same. 11. Explain anMVC structure? MVC struc ture or in oth er words Mod el View Con troller is a soft ware design pat tern. Many frame works fol low it to have a smooth tran si tion of data while devel op ing any web appli ca tion. It has main ly 3 parts such as: Mod el: It is respon si ble for main tain ing data and is it the low est lev el of the pat tern View: It helps in dis play ing a por tion or com plete data to the user Con troller: It con trols the inter ac tion between the Mod el and the View. 12. How to use a factory method in the AngularJS framework? Answer: To use a fac to ry method, we first have to define a fac to ry and after ward assign a method to it. var mainApp = angular.module(âmainAppâ, []); mainApp.factory(âMathServiceâ, func tion() { var fac to ry = {}; factory.multiply = function(a, b) { return a * b } return fac to ry; }); 13. Explain what are âfunctionsâ in javascript and also how will you declare them in the code? Answer: Tip: (Func tions are a very impor tant part of the javascript and most of the inter view ers want to know whether the can di date knows about âfunc tionsâ in javascript. So it is impor tant to know about func tions when ev er you sit to pre pare for Angu lar JS inter view ques tions. In javascript, func tions are the fun da men tal build ing blocks. It is a pro ce dure and is defined as a set of state ments that are used to per form a task or eval u ate a val ue. For using a func tion in javascript, it must be defined some where in the scope in angu lar js from which you wish to call it. Defin ing a func tion in javascript : It con sists of a âfunc tionâ key word which is fol lowed by the name of the func tion, list of para me ters passed to the func tions and the state ments in javascript that define the func tion. These should be specif i cal ly enclosed in curly brack ets {..}. For exam ple, the below code defines a func tion named âaddi tionâ: func tion addition(number) { return number+number; } 14. What do you mean by âobjectsâ in javascript ? Answer: Javascript is an object-based lan guage, so every thing is an object in the lan guage. It is more tem plate-based in com par i son to being class-based. In javascript, we can direct ly cre ate an object here with out cre at ing a class first. There are 3 dif fer ent ways in which we can cre ate an object: It can be using object lit er al By cre at ing an instance of Object direct ly We can use an object con struc tor too Here, we will dis cuss the syn tax one by one so that you have a fair idea about the same By Object Lit er al Syn tax: object={property1:value1,property2:value2.â¦.propertyN:valueN} 2. Cre at ing an instance of Object direct ly Syn tax: varobjectname=new Object(); 3.By using an object con struc tor Here first, you need to cre ate a func tion with argu ments. This argu ment val ue is assigned in the cur rent object by using âthisâ key word. In this, âthisâ key word refers to the cur rent object. For exam ple : script func tion stud(id,name,rollno){;; this.rollno=rollno; } s=new stud(110,âVinay Kha triâ, 23451 ); document.write(â ââ â+.roll no); /script Out put of the above code: (110,Vinay Kha tri, 23451) 15. What are HTML Elements? Answer: An HTML ele ment gen er al ly con tains a start tag and an end tag and con tent is in between the tags: tagnameContent/tagname Few Exam ples Of HTML tags are : P: This tag is use ful in enclos ing a paragraph.H: Head ing of dif fer ent sizes can be writ ten in This is a break tag. Void Ele ments In HTML, some tags such as br donât require an enclos ing tag. 16. What are the basic differences between link and compile? Answer: The basic require ment of link func tion is to reg is ter the DOM Lis ten ers and also cite the DOM manip u la tion. The com pile func tion on the oth er hand is basi cal ly used for col lect ing the direc tives and as well as tem plat ing DOM Manip u la tion. 17. What is a single page application? How can it be implemented along with Angular? Answer: Sin gle Page appli ca tions are those web apps which dynam i cal ly update the HTML page as and when the users inter act with the app. In SPA, the only change that hap pens is that the parts of the page may get refreshed. The page on the oth er hand is nev er reloaded. With this func tion al i ty, how ev er, the trips to the serv er are reduced. 18. What are the various types of filters in AngularJS? Answer: Num ber for mats a num ber into a string. Low er casefor mats a string into a low er case. Upper casefor mats a string into a upper case. Cur ren cyfor mats the num ber into a cur ren cy for mat. Fil terhelps select a sub set of items from with in an array. Datefor mats the date to a spe cif ic for mat as required. JSONfor mats the object into a Json string. Lim it reduces the array or string to a spe cif ic num ber of char ac ters or ele ments. 19. What are the differences between Directives and Services? Answer: This is one of the most asked Angu lar JS Inter view Ques tions and answers. One of the ways to com mu ni cate with con trollers is Ser vices. It is also pos si ble to inject one ser vice into anoth er. There are oth er func tions like log ging and authen ti ca tion which can also be done through Ser vices. Direc tives on the oth er hand are used for wrap ping things like jquery plu g ins or cre at ing wid gets. 20. Explain what is Singleton Pattern and how do you use it? Answer: In order to have only one object, the sin gle ton pat tern allows the lim i ta tion of a classâ instan ti a tion. The Sin gle ton pat tern can be enabled through the use of depen den cy injec tion and ser vices. These were the few impor tant Angu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers. Itcan be referred by begin ners as well as experts too who are think ing to brush up their knowl edge. Demand In The Market As a result of the demand in the mar ket, every com pa ny needs devel op ers who have inside knowl edge about the frame work. There fore to work on the frame work, it is impor tant to know what kind of ques tions you can expect when you sit for the inter view. This set ofAngu lar JS inter view ques tions and answers can help you build your base as well as pre pare you for your dream job too. Conclusion To sum up, Angu lar JS is one of the fastest-grow ing frame works and now has a large com mu ni ty work ing online too on var i ous plat forms. Sev er al devel op ers are exten sive ly using this frame work in their projects. This frame work is no doubt becom ing every devel op erâs favorite because itallows you to embed ani ma tion and many oth er cool fea tures too. angularjs interview questionsangularjs interview questions and answers
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